Please join the Calgary Mineral Exploration Group on Friday, November 15th for a talk given by Ryley Killam, P. Geo, Quantec Geoscience Ltd.

If you would like to attend the luncheon, please RSVP by email at or by selecting one of the options below.

**Please RSVP as soon as possible to accommodate everyone for lunch.

If you’d like to pay the Membership or Luncheon fee online, please click on the appropriate link below to be redirected to the secure Square website. Otherwise cash payment is available at the door.

Luncheon Details:

Date: Friday, November 15th, 2024
Location: Kerby Centre – downtown Calgary (1133 – 7th Ave. SW)
Doors open at 11:30 am
Talk starts at 12:00 pm (NOTE TIME FOR THIS LUNCHEON)
Luncheon for Members: $30
Luncheon Non-members: $35
Talk and Beverage (Coffee, Juice, Pop): $10
University, SAIT, NAIT students: FREE with student ID (with purchase of membership)

NOTE: There is complimentary parking at the Kerby Centre. Parking lots are located beside the building (east) or across the LRT (North). Register your vehicle at Reception.

Presention Abstract:

R. Gordon MBA., P. Eng., FGC, Quantec Geoscience

The mineral systems approach expands the exploration scope by looking for the entire system that formed the ore body, including regions where fluids originated, flow pathways and structures that caused mineral deposition. The value of this approach is being investigated by a number of recent initiatives in both governmental and university research. These studies use 3-D exploration methods that image to crustal and upper mantle depths.

One of the most promising technologies for these deep investigations has been magnetotellurics (MT). This method, invented in the 1950’s, uses natural electromagnetic signals to measure the electrical resistivity of the Earth. The use of MT in exploration was limited through the 1990’s. Since 2000 its use in deposit scale exploration has increased, although until recently widescale use across the mining industry has been limited. Following a number of high-profile MT exploration successes, such as the discovery of a set of low resistivity fingers beneath the world class IOCG deposit at Olympic Dam (Geology 2006), there has been an increase in MT regional and exploration surveys.

This paper will highlight how MT can be used on a range of spatial scales that extend from regional (10-100 km) to local (10-0.1 km) mineral exploration. Examples presented will include (1) regional scale government funded initiatives from Western Australia and Ontario, (2) regional scale exploration in Northern Canada, (3) local scale surveys in Ontario and British Columbia, and (4) mine site exploration, where the geophysical study contributed directly to the discovery of a new porphyry system below the mine.

Presenter Bio:

Ryley Killam, P. Geo

Ryley Killam is a Professional Geoscientist (P. Geo., APEGA) based in Calgary Alberta with over 10 years of experience. Ryley began his geosciences career in mineral exploration, conducting geological mapping/sampling and geophysical surveys throughout the N.W.T. and Nunavut. He then worked as a hydrogeologist, focusing on groundwater exploration throughout Western Canada. Ryley acted as a project manager for numerous large-scale drilling and aquifer testing programs, groundwater monitoring, and groundwater licencing projects, as well as being involved with business development initiatives. Currently, Ryley is an Account Manager with Quantec Geoscience Ltd., where he works with clients to understand their exploration objectives and offer tailored solutions to help explore their projects. Ryley graduated with a Bachelor of Science, with Specialization in Geology, from the University of Alberta in 2012.