*Geology screwed up again! or A template for Mine Site Technical Support*

by Ted Hannah, PGeo., Vice President, Geology, NORWEST CORPORATION

In an operating scenario, everyone must understand that there will never be enough data to predict the lateral and vertical variability of Mother Nature with 100% certainty. With this in mind, mine site geologists and engineers must have sufficient understanding of the capabilities of men and equipment in the mine & plant in order to be realistic with geologic interpretations, mine plans and production expectations. On the other hand, everyone should be expected to use good communications, common sense and experience to push the limits, all the time, for optimal production and product quality. Technical staff must listen to and learn from experienced equipment operators, and must take the time to explain to Foremen and operators, the “science” and reasoning behind a Plan.

To be successful in a mine environment, geologists and engineers must step outside the comfortable box of their own expertise and learn a little bit about all aspects of the operation. This then makes it easier to listen to the proceedings of an operations meeting, or listen to casual conversation when doing pit tours with others, and pick up on past or future activities that may affect the results not only of their particular job, but also the general health of the operation.

New technology or ideas should be reviewed, justified and implemented whenever practical. New devices and software: can save substantial money; can result in significant improvements in procedural efficiency; can dramatically improve the accuracy of measurements; and at the end of the day (or week, or month), make everyone look like heroes.

This talk will discuss the experiences gained over 34 years of exploration and mining operations, and a subsequent eight years of consulting.


Mr. Hannah has over 40 years’ experience in geology and resource exploration and mining. Experience has included management of, and participation in, major exploration projects in stratigraphically and structurally simple and complex regions of Western Canada. Background includes coal, oil sands and potash resource investigation and technical support of coal and oil sands mining

Ted’s experience started in oil & gas but quickly progressed to the coal under the Alberta Prairies and then into the more complex coal geology of the Rock Mountains of Alberta and BC. He then spent 26 years taking the Line Creek Mine project from a virgin mountain to multiple open pits and dumps. A subsequent stint in Ft. McMurray, provided the opportunity to apply this geology and mining experience to an oilsands mine. Since then, Ted has been working with Norwest Corporation, providing geological and management support to clients in various commodities.

Lunch prices:
$20.00 for members
$25.00 for non-members

Okanagan East Room
Ramada Hotel Downtown
Convention Level
708 – 8th Avenue SW.
Calgary, Alberta

Doors Open at 11:30 am
Talk Commences at 12:00 noon

Please confirm your intention to attend by email to vtrapnell@meg.calgary.ab.ca so that the appropriate number of sandwiches can be ordered. If you would like to present a lunch time talk to a keen audience of 50 or 60 professionals, please contact Glen Jones at: gjones@snl.com or telephone Glen Jones: 403-202-8683; Mobile: 403-651-3086 to submit your topic and abstract for review. If you or your company would like to sponsor a meeting please contact Glen Jones for further information.