Free Range Tectonics – Using multiple global tectonic models to generate mineral and hydrocarbon targets
Rick Boulay, B.SC. (Geology)
Today’s dominant tectonic concept is the plate tectonic model that rolled over the geologic landscape in the late 1960’s. Classic tectonic models, abandoned tectonic models and alternative tectonic models also exist and can provide effective exploration targeting tools. Naturally, the exploration geologist should make use of all tectonic models to maximize economic gain.
Tectonic models operate at global, continental and sub-continental scales; often in a fractal manner that can map downward into regional, local, outcrop, hand specimen and sometimes even microscopic scale. Since nearly all major ore and hydrocarbon deposit types show a measure of structural control, global scale tectonic concepts can be concentrated into exploration scale gradients to enhance the prospect of exploration success.
Now, and only recently, the power of space and airborne geodetic information is available to all geologists at low to zero cost. This is a profound development that has changed the practice of geology. Global tectonic science has been both democratized and monetized, and is now free to roam the exciting ranges of the capitalist economic system. In the future, the global tectonic model combination that makes the most money will prevail.
This presentation, due to the limited time available, will be an informal tectonic romp; beginning with an overview of global tectonic model evolution over the past 450 years; followed by a review of the impact of rapidly emerging oceanographic data during the 1950’s and 1960’s that resulted in a competition for tectonic model supremacy. The victorious plate tectonic model, together with classic and alternative tectonic models will be discussed, with really spectacular graphics, in the context of their capital wealth creation potential for the exploration geologist.
About the Presenter:
Rick Boulay graduated with a B.SC. (Geology) from Carleton University in 1967. His interest in continental and global tectonics began immediately following graduation due to his work with the first Tectonic Map of Canada team at the Geological Survey of Canada in Ottawa. He has subsequently worked continuously in the minerals and hydrocarbon industries as an exploration geologist, mining analyst, project financing banker and public company executive.
He was a founding director of San Gold Corporation in 2005 and acted as its first Chief Financial Officer, resigning as a director in 2011 following San Gold’s increase in market capitalization from $6 million to $1.4 billion. He is a Director and a major shareholder of Moneta Porcupine Mines that has developed a multi-million ounce gold resource in the Golden Highway camp east of Timmins. He is a Director and a major shareholder of Latin American Minerals Inc., a company with extensive exploration activities in Paraguay, including the large and developing Paso Yobai epithermal gold system where a pilot plant bulk sampling operation is currently in operation. He is a major shareholder of Puma Exploration which owns 100% of a large copper porphyry and skarn project, together with a nearby VMS copper project, both located near Bathurst, New Brunswick.
His hydrocarbon experience includes geological and financial activities. He provided geological and financial services to Pemex during the development of the Ixtoc and Cantarell fields offshore of the Yucatan Peninsula. From 2005 to 2009 he was a founding director of Petrolia Inc. which by 2008 became the largest holder of hydrocarbon permits in Quebec and currently dominates the immense and prospective onshore Appalachian oil basins together with a large percentage of the lower Paleozoic oil plays of Anticosti Island.
Lunch prices:
$20.00 for members
$25.00 for non-members
Okanagan East Room, Ramada Hotel Downtown, Convention Level
708 – 8th Avenue SW. Calgary, Alberta
Doors Open at 11:30 am
Talk Commences at 12:00 noon
Please confirm your intention to attend by email to so that the appropriate number of sandwiches can be ordered. If you would like to present a lunch time talk to a keen audience of 50 or 60 professionals, please contact Glen Jones at or telephone Glen Jones: 403-202-8683; Mobile: 403-651-3086 to submit your topic and abstract for review. If you or your company would like to sponsor a meeting please contact Glen Jones for further information.