Please join the Calgary Mineral Exploration Group on Friday, September 15th for a talk given by Dean Knight, P. Geo., President and Geoscience Manager of Komatiite Exploration Ltd.

Overview of Komatiite Exploration Ltd.’s Sidley Project within the Quesnel Terrane of Southern British Columbia’s West-Kootenay District

If you would like to attend the luncheon, please RSVP by email at or by selecting one of the options below.

**Please RSVP as soon as possible in order to accommodate everyone for lunch.

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Luncheon Details:

Date: Friday, September 15th, 2023
Location: Kerby Centre – downtown Calgary (1133 – 7th Ave. SW)
Doors open at 11:30 am
Talk starts at 12:00 pm (NOTE TIME FOR THIS LUNCHEON)
Luncheon for Members: $30
Luncheon Non-members: $35
Talk and Beverage (Coffee, Juice, Pop): $10
University, SAIT, NAIT students: FREE with student ID (with purchase of membership)

NOTE: There is complimentary parking at the Kerby Centre. Parking lots are located beside the building (east) or across the LRT (North). Register your vehicle at Reception.

Presentation Abstract:

Overview of Komatiite Exploration Ltd.’s Sidley Project within the Quesnel Terrane of Southern British Columbia’s West-Kootenay District

Komatiite Exploration Ltd was founded in 2021 and is a private mineral exploration company based in Calgary, Alberta. The company has access to full mineral title for two separate contiguous properties in British Columbia. Battery metals are at the forefront of exploration including Ni, Cu, Co, Mn, Cr, and Li. Other minerals containing Au, Ag, Platinum Group Elements (PGE’s), and Light Rare Earth Elements are also being assessed. This presentation will focus on Sidley which is the larger of the two properties.

The Sidley Project is situated over the south western edge of the Kootenay Regional Mining District in British Columbia, and is a continuous block of mineral claims approximately 47km2 in area. It overlies crown designated land within a short reach of Fortis power and natural gas utility lines.

The oldest rock units on the property are comprised of mafic to ultramafic metavolcanics and metasediments of the Carboniferous-Permian age Anarchist Formation. Triassic to Jurassic age igneous intrusions bound the Anarchist with clear cross-cutting relationships, and show varying alteration mineral assemblages. The youngest igneous rocks are part of the Coryell, Marron, and Marma Paleogene volcanics, and show a notable increase in light rare earth elements (LREE) based on property geochemical analysis.

Early assessment utilized “boots on the ground” mapping and outcrop sampling with subsequent geochemical analysis. High resolution aeromagnetic surveys combined with LIDAR has also proven useful to understand the spatial distribution of larger geological structures and serpentinized ultramafic rock. Discoveries to date include Nickel and Cobalt Pentlandite, with lessor heazlewoodite and awaruite, hosted in lizardite and antigorite based serpentine. This is believed to be part of an Alpine-type ultra-mafic complex. More recently, a disseminated to semi-massive sulfide zone underlying a thin blanket of glacial till was discovered. The mineralized section contains zones of sericite(biotite and muscovite)/chlorite alteration. Sulfides include early pyrrhotite/pentlandite along with minor chalcopyrite. A later stage mineralization event shows remobilization of some of the pyrrhotite with more common pyrite, filling vertical fracture conduits.

Ultramafic rocks and their associated tailings have the potential to sequester carbon from the atmosphere by reaction with CO2, resulting in the formation of magnesite (MgCO3). The University of British Columbia has developed significant expertise in understanding and characterizing this process. Ultra-mafic rock on the Sidley claims has been qualitatively characterized for its carbon capture potential utilizing published methods from the CarbMinLab at UBC.

Presenter Bio:

Dean Knight, P. Geo., President and Geoscience Manager of Komatiite Exploration Ltd.

Dean Knight is a registered professional geologist with APEGA and EGBC. In 2021 he founded Komatiite Exploration with a goal to responsibly source battery metals and other elements required for green technology. He has over 19 years of experience working as a successful geoscientist in Mineral and Petroleum Geology. His previous role as Exploration Lead at an intermediate energy company provided him the opportunity to develop innovative solutions to solve difficult problems. Mr. Knight has been the technical lead on large capital programs, delivering consistent, successful results.

Corporate Summary:

Komatiite Exploration Ltd was founded in 2021 and is a private mineral exploration company based in Calgary, Alberta. The company has access to full mineral title for two separate contiguous properties in British Columbia. Battery metals are at the forefront of exploration including Ni, Cu, Co, Mn, Cr, and Li. Other minerals containing Au, Ag, Platinum Group Elements (PGE’s), and Light Rare Earth Elements are also being assessed.