Please join the Calgary Mineral Exploration Group on Friday, June 14th for a talk given by Tony Reda, Founder, President, CEO & Director, Tectonic Metals Inc.

Tectonic Metals Flat Gold Project

If you would like to attend the luncheon, please RSVP by email at or by selecting one of the options below.

**Please RSVP as soon as possible to accommodate everyone for lunch.

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Luncheon Details:

Date: Friday, June 14th, 2024
Location: Kerby Centre – downtown Calgary (1133 – 7th Ave. SW)
Doors open at 11:30 am
Talk starts at 12:00 pm (NOTE TIME FOR THIS LUNCHEON)
Luncheon for Members: $30
Luncheon Non-members: $35
Talk and Beverage (Coffee, Juice, Pop): $10
University, SAIT, NAIT students: FREE with student ID (with purchase of membership)

NOTE: There is complimentary parking at the Kerby Centre. Parking lots are located beside the building (east) or across the LRT (North). Register your vehicle at Reception.

Presentation Abstract:

Tectonic Metals Inc. (the “Company” or “Tectonic”) (TSX-V: TECT) is a forward-thinking mineral exploration company applying a disciplined, up-front de-risking strategy to address the economics, community benefits, and sustainability of the Company’s projects. Tectonic refers this as the “Shift in the Game.” To that point, Tectonic is one of the only exploration companies with Indigenous shareholders investing ~$4M into the company. Tectonic aspires to be the number one gold exploration company in the world and is determined to find the next Tier One mine.

Tectonic is led by a Team with a proven track record of not only discovery success, but also success in advancing projects from discovery through to development, permitting, production, M&A and capital raises well in excess of $500M. The teams most recent success was the sale of Kaminak Gold Corporation and its 5Moz Au Coffee Gold Project to Newmont for $520M.

FLAT GOLD PROJECT – Alaska Next Tier One Gold Opportunity

  • 99,000 acres situated on predominantly Native Owned Land belonging to Doyon, Ltd., one of Alaska’s largest for-profit Native Regional Corporations and Tectonic’s second largest shareholder.
  • 1.4 million ounces of historical placer gold production (1908-1966) established the project as the third richest placer mining jurisdiction in Alaska. Chicken Mountain is Flat’s largest reduced intrusion related gold system (“RIRGS”) and credited as the primary source of all the placer gold. Every stream/creek draining out of Chicken Mountain caries placer gold. This bedrock to placer gold relationship is uncanny and has been studied by academia and geologists worldwide. In addition to Chicken Mountain, Flat boasts 5 other district scale intrusion targets with most of them also shedding placer gold in various creeks and streams.
  • Presently, Chicken Mountain contains an open, 4 km high tenor gold-in-soil anomaly in an unglaciated terrain where less than 50% of the anomaly has been drill tested. Soil sampling is a proven exploration methodology and boasts a 100% drill success rate in identifying bedrock mineralization.
  • All 74 drill holes drilled at Chicken Mountain intersected gold mineralization with 37 holes ended in mineralization including the deepest drilled hole of +400m in length. Drilled mineralized strike is >1.8 km and open in all directions.
  • Metallurgical bottle roll testing on historic drill core averaged 96% Au recovery prompting Tectonic to evaluate heap leaching as a viable metallurgical processing method. Heap leach column tests at a ¾ inch crush have been launched May 2024 and results are pending. Executing metallurgical testing prior to Tectonic’s first ever drill program and now again in the second year of drilling (2024) underscores Tectonic’s business model and conviction in identifying a mining opportunity not just advancing a “drill play”.

Chicken Mountain – A Reduced Intrusion Related Gold System (RIRGS) akin to the mineralization observed at Kinross Gold Corporation’s Fort Knox Mine, Alaska

The Fort Knox Mine is a large open-pit gold mine in the Fairbanks mining district of Alaska, USA, discovered in 1980 and began production in 1996. Since then, Fort Knox has become one of the largest gold-producing mines in Alaska, yielding over 200,000 ounces of gold annually and recently pouring its nine millionth ounce. Based on the Dec. 31, 2022 Annual Mineral and Resource Statement published by Kinross, the average grade of their proven and probable mineral reserves is 0.30 and 0.40 g/t Au respectively.

At Fort Knox, the grades of individual veins are 5 to 50 g/t Au, but most ore blocks have an average of 3 to 5 veins per metre within otherwise barren host rocks, thus yielding ~1 g/t ores. Gold grade is, therefore, mainly controlled by vein density. Fort Knox’s lower-grade ores are enriched by higher-grade and overprinting, later-stage quartz shear veins.1

Fairbanks Gold, a company founded and financed by Robert Friedland, a Canadian Mining Hall of Fame Inductee, is credited with the discovery and sale of the Fort Knox Mine to Kinross. The initial drilling and gold discovery (late 1980s) at Chicken Mountain was completed by Fairbanks Gold in tandem with early drilling at Fort Knox.

Similar to Fort Knox, Chicken Mountain is demonstrating the exact same characteristics with gold hosted in sheeted quartz veinlets, fractures and shears within a multiphase granitoid body, an Au-Bi-Te +/- As+W+Sb geochemical association and very low sulphur mineralization. Also similar to Fort Knox, there is strong evidence at Chicken Mountain, that multiple mineralization events and overprinting occurred coinciding with better gold grade.

Chicken Mountain geochemical characteristics (Au-Bi-Te +/- As+W+Sb) are indicative of mineralization that is both proximal and distal to the source intrusion/pluton within a RIRGS framework. This coupled with the kilometre long and wide alteration and gold mineralization halos into the wallrock suggests that the “smoking gun” is there, but the sweet spot (higher-grade, unexposed portions of the cupola/carapace) of the system has yet to fully discovered and more drilling is warranted.

Tectonic Announces 2024 Value Creation Strategy

With only one year of drilling under Tectonic’s belt, the Company is literally just getting started and eager to get back in the field this year and start applying the newly obtained knowledge and insight (structural, lineament, geochem, geophysics, etc.) to launch a formidable 2024 drill program.

Tectonic Team of Geologists, Engineers, ESG and Capital Markets Professionals have rallied together to create a well thought out and meticulously planned strategy for 2024 and beyond that will generate returns for our shareholders and provides a tremendous amount of insight into understanding the Flat Gold Project as a mining opportunity. The strategy is multifaceted and involves:

Demonstrating an Economic Mining Opportunity Through Metallurgy

Tectonic has kicked off a multi-phase metallurgical test program utilizing column leach tests to further validate the potential of heap leaching gold mineralization at Flat’s Chicken Mountain target, which is one of six, district-scale, intrusion targets comprising the 99,840 acre Flat Gold Project in southwestern Alaska. Initial metallurgical testing in 2023 was designed to demonstrate a free-milling opportunity and included bottle rolls, float, gravity and gravity +bottle rolls, on historical drill core and was kicked off prior to the Company executing its first drill program. The company was rewarded with the met results returning 96-99% gold recoveries.

Tectonic Uncovers Historical Drill Core Not Fully Assayed

Flat’s Chicken Mountain intrusion target is blessed with 55 historical drill holes that all intersected gold mineralization. Most of the historical drill core was stored in a warehouse for decades and while conducting an extensive, comprehensive relogging process, Tectonic uncovered four drill holes in new areas for a total of 744m that were not fully assayed in 2003 by the previous explorer. Interestingly and possibly to Tectonic’s benefit, the previous explorer selectively assayed only short metre-long sections of the various drill holes even though those short intervals returned assays as high as 27 g/t Au. Tectonic has all historical assay lab certificates, validating their merit and is now assaying the drill hole in its entirety in the attempt of expanding the mineralized intercepts and gaining valuable geological insight that the company can then apply going forward to these new target areas.

Tour the Flat Gold Project

Tectonic invites you to take a virtual tour of our Flat Gold Project with both the CEO of Tectonic and one of Alaska’s, largest, for-profit Native Regional Corporations, Doyon by clicking here:


Presenter Bio:

Tony Reda, Founder, President, CEO & Director

Tony takes a vision and makes it a reality through hard work, tenacity, perseverance, and sound strategy development. His passion, enthusiasm and drive are infectious, motivating and empowering the people around him. As Founder, President, CEO and Director of Tectonic Metals Inc., Tony is all in, working solely to create value for the company’s shareholders and stakeholders.

His loyalty and commitment to his work are undeniable, as demonstrated by the fact that he was the longest-serving employee of Kaminak Gold Corporation from inception in 2005 to the sale of the company, including the Coffee Gold Project, in 2016 to Goldcorp Inc. (now Newmont Goldcorp) for $520 million. Tony served as Vice President, Corporate Development for Kaminak executing the company’s strategic planning, financing, business development and marketing while overseeing the public relations and investor communications of the company. Tony was pivotal in orchestrating capital raises totalling over $165 million to primarily fund the acquisition and advancement of the Coffee Gold Project in the Yukon Territory from a grassroots discovery through to the completion of a bankable feasibility study. He was also involved in monetizing Kaminak’s other projects by forming strategic alliances, joint venture agreements and creating public and private companies resulting in over $35 million being spent by third parties directly on Kaminak’s projects.

During his tenure with Kaminak, the company was ranked 8th best-performing mining company from a peer group of some 1,200 mining companies, was listed as a 2015 TSX Venture 50 Company and was one of four companies selected out of 1,971 companies listed on the TSX Venture Exchange as Best IR by IR Magazine in 2015.

Tony personifies Tectonic’s belief that responsible mineral exploration and development can positively impact the communities in which the company lives and operates and its commitment to early and ongoing community engagement, best practices in environmental stewardship and the development of a strong safety culture.