Luncheon Details:
Doors open at 11:30 am
Talk starts at noon
Membership: $20
Luncheon for Members: $30
University, SAIT, NAIT students: FREE with student ID (with purchase of membership)
Presentation Abstract:
Many of us MEG’rs are sitting around wondering what to do now. There’s an inexpensive entry route into a whole new game and it sits for free on your PC.
But first things first, if you’re even thinking of going this route, get your data organized. It’s a horrible mess out there which gets messier every day.
Spending hours on LinkedIn, again gets messy, but so many excellent articles, and if you dig deep enough, there’s editorial advice on how to present.
Check the BNN early morning business channel and Tara Weber’s story, she’s the Western Bureau Chief, amazing.
Look up 2000 Robert McEwen of Goldcorp (Red Lake) Goldcorp Challenge … $500,000 … Fractal Graphic and Taylor Wall & Associates out of Australia won. Why not a MEG’r?
Back to 2022, and especially Saskatchewan Uranium Exploration, which is booming and maybe more seeing what’s going on in Kazakhstan.
The mining issue is being taken care of by Denison Mines Solution process, and Orana’s Borehole mining. Doubtless Cameco will buy in as its underground facilities are flooded. And Uranium demand will come from a whole new generation of modular reactors, some already in use.
Saskatchewan has an excellent free database, SMAD (Saskatchewan Mineral Assessment Database). Athabasca access roads are OK but the distances are enormous, forget helicopters as they are too expensive. Need Sat Phones, and winter is being overcome by proper camps, plus 4×4 trucks and Quads.
ALL these Saskatchewan (Athabasca) programs are based on INPUT surveys from the 1970’s, available thru SMAD, but it’ll take you months to figure out how to use this ‘PDF’ data, I’ll elaborate in my presentation. When they were flown, I thought it would take 50 years to check the conductors, I underestimated.
And for a few $1000 you can become the proud owner of mineral claims in the Athabasca. Done this for JNR and now for myself, I’ll show you my claims and explain the logic. There are tens of others doing exactly the same, from all over the world.
Presenter Bio:
PhD Newcastle University, Science, from Dept Geology 1970
2010-2020: Exploration Manager Triland Energy Inc: got to 850 bopd but Covid and low oil prices squeezed me out
2006-2010: Canadian Capital Energy Corp: one of 1st private Chinese junior oil companies, another amazing experience
1994-2021: Geologist supervising at the wellsite, would never have got the above employment any other way, and it pays handsomely
1992-1979: Texaco Canada Resources Ltd and Imperial Oil. Valuable training in early days of digitization Exploration/Production numbers, plus Uranium exploration. McArthur River
1977-1970: Sask DMR then SMDC (Cameco): could give a presentation on just these years especially where the funding came from.
Kerby Centre COVID Policy/Information:
Please note in order to comply with current Alberta restrictions, everyone must show proof of vaccination or proof of a negative privately-paid test result from a sample that is taken within the prior 72 hours (Results from Alberta Health Services are not eligible for consideration for this program). Everyone will be required to wear a mask if they are not eating, and social distancing will be upheld. The maximum number of attendees is 35 to comply with regulations and social distancing.