If you would like to attend the luncheon, please RSVP by email at megcalgary@gmail.com or by selecting one of the options below.
**Please RSVP as soon as possible in order to accommodate everyone for lunch.
Luncheon Details:
Date: Friday, February 3rd, 2023
Location: Kerby Centre – downtown Calgary (1133 – 7th Ave. SW)
Doors open at 11:30 am
Talk starts at noon
Membership: $20
Luncheon for Members: $30
Luncheon Non-members: $35
Talk and Beverage (Coffee, Juice, Pop): $10
University, SAIT, NAIT students: FREE with student ID (with purchase of membership)
If you’d like to pay the Membership or Luncheon fee online, please click on the appropriate link below to be redirected to the secure Square website. Otherwise cash payment is available at the door.
Presentation Abstract:
The commercial mining of high calcium limestone in Alberta began around 1900 and is still the most important non-fuel mining sector in Alberta today.
High calcium limestone (~95+% CaCO3) is used to produce crushed limestone, as a component in cement production and calcined to produce lime (CaO).
Alberta has at present one producing calcining facility, the Exshaw plant and quarry near Canmore, owned and operated by Graymont Western Canada Inc. In the recent past lime was also produced at the Summit plant in the Crowsnest Pass. Both of these operations mine high calcium limestone from the Loomis Member of the Mississippian Mt. Head formation.
In Alberta High calcium limestone occurs as horizons of limegrainstone, which is entirely composed of bioclasts, cemented by calcite. In the Mt. Head formation the bioclasts are ooids and crinoids stem fragments.
Limesgrainstones are formed below wave base in shallow seas, wall away from any input of siliciclastic sedimentation.
This talk will examine the geology of the Exshaw Quarry and the geological setting in which these high calcium sediments accumulate. This is an introduction to a field trip to the Exshaw plant and quarry which the MEG will be offering in May or early June
Presenter Bio:
Alex Knox, Geologist
- Graduated with M.Sc. (Geology) 1980
- Worked 10 years with Mining division of Calgary oil company. U, REE, Niobium, Gold.
- 30 years as consulting geologist. Mainly high calcium limestone, REE, editing 43-101 reports
- Worked in exploring for High calcium limestone and dolomite as a consultant to Graymont Ltd., a Canadian-owned private company with worldwide operations
- MEG member since 1976