Lunch prices:
$20.00 for members
$25.00 for non-members
Ramada Hotel Downtown, 708 – 8th Avenue SW.
Calgary, Alberta
Convention Level
A documentary video by Approaching Science: The discovery of a thousand year old gold mine in Suichang, Zhejiang, China
Explained and translated in English by Virginia Trapnell, P.Geol.
This video in Chinese Mandarin documented the story of the 1965 discovery of a thousand years old Gold Mine in Suichang, Zhejiang, China.
In 1976, the Zhejiang Suichang Gold Mine and a smelter were built to mine and process the gold and silver in the area as a result of the above discovery.
In July 2005, the China National Land Resource Management Department established the Zhejiang Suichang Gold Mine National Mine Park in the area for the development of tourism.
The video will be shown, paused, explained and translated in English by Virginia Trapnell from time to time during the presentation.
Virginia Trapnell is a consulting geologist in Calgary with over 20 years working experience as a geologist in Canada. She is an Alberta-registered Professional Geologist (P.Geol.) with a Bachelor degree in Geology. She also holds a certificate in petroleum geology, a certificate in oil & gas production accounting and a certificate in petroleum land administration – all from SAIT.
Virginia conducted mineral exploration as well as mineral development work locating from Newfoundland to northern BC except the Yukon and Quebec.
She visited and worked in some 40 different mineral deposits all over Canada. She spent nearly five years working in mineral explorations in Flin Flon, Manitoba searching for VS deposits covered/overlaid by the Paleozoic carbonate (the Red River Formation) and another five years worked as a mineral inventory geologist, latterly as a petroleum geologist for the Mineral and Mines of Saskatchewan.
The past 10 years, Virginia has worked mainly as an oil and gas well-site geologist in Alberta. She has drilled, cored oil wells in Alberta Oil Sands and conventional oil wells evaluating numerous reservoirs such as: Manville, Sunburst, Frobisher, Viking, Glauconitic SS, Rock Creek, Notikewin, Blue Sky, Gething, Charlie Lake/Boundary Lake Member, Doig, Montney, Gilwood and Granite Wash etc.
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