The December talk will be our last for 2016. It will also be our Annual General Meeting. Come out and vote for the Board of Directors, or better yet, volunteer for the Board! The talk will be held in the usual location at the Kerby Centre.

Rottenstone Project Abstract:

Fathom Minerals. Ltd. is mineral exploration and development company focussed on sourcing minerals and metals for clean energy. The company is currently concentrating on its flagship Rottenstone PGE, Ni-Cu (+Au, Co) Project in Saskatchewan, where it holds 100% interest in 5 claims totalling approximately 10,800Ha.

Fathom believes clean energy metals and minerals are the way of the future. Platinum Group Elements (PGE’s) are needed in gasoline and diesel engines for the catalytic conversion process, which reduces emissions. Lithium, Graphite, Cobalt and Nickel are all key in the manufacturing of batteries needed for energy storage in the rapidly growing renewable energy industry. Cobalt could become the most critical in the supply chain as many of the current supply sources are unstable.

Fathom Minerals has a strong and experienced management team, plus the support of a group of top tier invested consultants and advisors. Our goal is to source projects that fit the corporate mandate of Clean Energy and to build resources and value on these projects, beginning with our Rottenstone PGE, Ni-Cu (+Au, Co) project in Saskatchewan.

The Rottenstone project hosts the historic Rottenstone mine. The Rottenstone mine produced just under 30,000t of ultramafic hosted, very high-grade Ni-Cu + PGE’s (3%, 2% and >9 g/t Pt, Pd + Au respectively) from 1964 – 1969. The question at Rottenstone has been and is; how is it that metal of this grade be concentrated in such a small volume of ultramafic rock? The geologic setting of these types of deposits suggest there should be more ultramafic hosted mineralization, and this one small deposit (Rottenstone) should be part of and has evolved from a much larger and significant source.  Upon acquiring the property Fathom has analysed drill cores not previously analyzed, has re-interpreted and sampled drill core from a previous 2008 drill program, has funded and conducted its own small scale drilling program and with the assistance of Dr. Larry Hulbert; an expert in the field of Ni-Cu+PGE Metallogeny, has completed a comprehensive compilation, re-evaluation of geological, geochemical and geophysical data available from the property dating back to 1954. The work performed by Fathom to date has allowed Fathom to define a “fingerprint / signature” associated with the original Rottenstone deposit; a “fingerprint” the company now recognizes to be occurring throughout the Rottenstone property and forms the basis for exploration moving forward. Fathom believes the geologic setting / model at the project is that of multiple Rottenstone-type deposits, similar to Glencore’s Raglan deposits in northern Quebec.

Presenters’ Bio:

Brad Van Den Bussche – Bio

Mr. Van Den Bussche has thirty years of in-depth experience with both the mining and energy business, where he has worked as a geologist, project manager, and executive in both a corporate environment and as a consultant. He has worked on and managed numerous feasibility studies, exploration programs, due-diligence evaluations and project assessments of both minerals and energy projects in Canada, the United States, Asia, Latin America, and the UK. The last 10 years, he has been heavily exposed to corporate management and company financing through his position as director and officer of several companies.

His early career concentrated on technical evaluation and project management for the resource industry, while in the latter years, duties were mainly executive and corporate in nature. Skills and experience include project assessment, field exploration program design and implementation, resource estimation, resource quality evaluation, market evaluation, new business development, contract negotiations, corporate governance and company finance efforts.

Since 2004 he has held numerous VP Exploration positions where he was responsible for project identification, new project development and all aspects of exploration.

Most recently Mr. Van Den Bussche co-founded Fathom Minerals Ltd, a private mineral exploration company where he holds the position of President, CEO and director.

Ian Fraser – Bio

Mr. Fraser has a BSc in Geology from Laurentian University (1985). Mr. Fraser is a Professional Geologist and has been employed in a variety of roles with both senior and junior mineral exploration companies for the past 30 years. During his career Mr. Fraser has designed, supervised and been involved in numerous gold, uranium, base metal, diamond, coal and unconventional natural gas projects throughout Canada.

Career highlights include; as project geologist (INCO) was instrumental in re-interpreting and refining the drill direction at the Casa Berardi West Zone, Quebec; as senior geologist (Golden Rule Group of Companies) designed and supervised projects that lead to several gold discoveries in the La Ronge Greenstone Belt, Saskatchewan; as chief geologist (Waddy Lake Resources), discovered, oversaw production decision and mining at the Komis Gold Mine, Saskatchewan; as senior geologist (Antioquia Gold), supervised, mentored junior geologist at Cisneros Gold Project, Colombia; 2 deposits being put into production for 2017 start up.

Currently, VP Exploration Fathom Minerals Ltd. a private company co-founded with Mr. Van Den Bussche (2015). Fathom’s flagship project is the Rottenstone project. Mr. Fraser is very familiar with the Rottenstone project as he worked on the property 1998 – 2008 whilst senior geologist with Uravan Minerals Inc.