The MEG Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on December 14, 2018 at 12:00. The meeting will be held in the main meeting room of the Kerby Centre, downtown Calgary (1133 – 7th Ave. SW). Following the AGM, James Sykes, VP Exploration & Development of Appie Energy Corp., will provide an update on the 2018 activities completed on the Alces Lake REE Property in Northern Saskatchewan.

To be eligible to vote at the AGM, one must be a 2018-2019 member in good standing. Memberships are available for purchase up to the start of the meeting.

The formal portion of the AGM will include the following agenda items:

  • vote on slate of directors and executive committee members;
  • financial statement review; and
  • the completion of independent accounting review for 2019

The Nomination Committee is putting forward the following persons for the listed positions for 2019:

Director & Officer nominees

  • Past President (Alex Knox)
  • President (Allan Turner)
  • Vice President (Boukare Tapsoba)
  • Treasurer (William Sattlegger)
  • Secretary (Robert Gunn)

Executive Officer/Committee(s) nominees
Membership and Mailings Officer: Stephanie Robillard
Meetings and Social Events Executive: Corrie Davidson
Program Officer: Brodie Sutherland

Following the formal portion of the AGM, the Executive would like to address the following items:

  • Speaker Honorarium
  • Corporate Membership
  • Affinity Program
  • Contemplated events (socials, short courses, filed trips, confirmed technical luncheons)
  • Social media and website

To attend, please respond to

Doors open at 11:30 am, and AGM will start at Noon

Members: $20, Annual Memberships: $10

University, SAIT, NAIT Students are free with yearly membership

Presentation Abstract

The Geological Evolution of High-Grade Rare Earth Element Mineralization on the Alces Lake Property, Northern Saskatchewan

The Alces Lake Property, northern Saskatchewan, is an emerging World-class high-grade rare earth element (“REE”) deposit endowed with critical REEs required for the permanent magnet industry.  Surface channel samples and diamond drill hole results have identified total rare earth oxide (“TREO”) concentrations exceeding 20 wt% TREO in multiple zones at or near surface, including maximum concentrations of 53 wt% TREO.

Over the course of June to September, 2018, Appia Energy Corp. completed a field program exploring for rare earth elements, which consisted of i) overburden stripping that delineated 7 REE zones at surface (Bell, Charles, Dante, Dylan, Ivan, Wilson and Wilson South-Central), ii) the collection of 844 systematic channel samples taken from all 7 exposed zones, iii) the collection of 6 heavy mineral black beach sand samples exploring for sediment-hosted monazite and REEs at surface, and iv) completion of the first-ever diamond drill program on the Alces Lake Property; 15 diamond drill holes into 3 zones.

Speaker’s Bio: James Sykes, B.Sc.

Mr. Sykes brings 12 years of Athabasca Basin uranium exploration experience to the Appia Energy team, most notably leading the discovery team for NexGen’s 350 M lbs. U3O8 Arrow deposit and having provided invaluable work on Hathor Exploration’s Roughrider deposits.  He was also a member of the Denison Mines exploration team that prioritized the targets that eventually became the Phoenix and Gryphon deposits.  Over the past decade, he has been directly and indirectly involved with the discovery of over 450 M lbs. of U3O8 in the Athabasca Basin.

Mr. Sykes is currently spear-heading Appia’s exploration on the Alces Lake property which boasts world-class critical rare earth element grades that are comparable to, if not better than, Chinese and Australia’s Lynas Corp.’s rare earth operations, which combined account for >95% of the global REE production.  With the dawn of the electric vehicle age, Appia firmly believes they will carve a niche in a non-existent North American REE production market.