Location: Kerby Centre, 1133 – 7 Ave SW, Calgary, AB, Lecture Room 205. Please check in at the Reception Desk and they will direct you to Room 205. If you are using the Kerby Centre parking lot, you can validate your parking at the same time

Porphyry and epithermal ore formation in post-subduction tectonic settings

Jeremy P. Richards, PhD, Thayer Lindsley Visiting Lecturer (2016)


Re-melting of the deep-crustal residues of arc magmatism (amphibole gabbro cumulates) during tectonic events that occur after subduction has ceased or migrated to a new location, such as collision or back-arc extension, may generate a suite of ore deposits that are only indirectly related to subduction. Such remobilization events may occur soon after arc activity has ceased, or millions to billions of years later in response to unrelated tectonic events, such as continental rifting. Because of the potential involvement of various crustal sources during these remobilization events, the type of magma can range from mafic and alkaline to highly silicic, and associated ore deposits can range from alkalic-type Au, though normal-looking porphyry Cu±Mo±Au, to felsic porphyry Mo. Some types of sulfur-poor iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposit may also form in rifted arc settings.

Presenter’s Bio:

Jeremy first became interested in economic geology at an early age while on walks with his grandmother across the Yorkshire Pennines, where the dumps from numerous small historical lead mines yielded fine samples of galena and other minerals for his nascent rock collection. After studying geology at the University of Cambridge (1980-1983), he traveled to Canada to complete his M.Sc. degree on Keweenawan Cu deposits at the University of Toronto with Ed Spooner (1986), and then to Australia for his Ph.D. on the Porgera gold deposit with Ian Campbell at the Australian National University (1990). Following a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada with Rob Kerrich, he returned to the UK to take up a lectureship at the University of Leicester. In 1997, he returned once again to Canada for a position at the University of Alberta, where he resides today. His current research interests focus on regional tectonomagmatic controls on ore formation, and in particular subduction- and collision-related systems. This work has taken him to North and South America, the Middle East, Asia, and the southwest Pacific. A second research interest is in the role of mining in sustainable development, a field in which, as advisor, he has graduated one Ph.D. and three master’s students. Jeremy has been a member of SEG since 1983, and a Fellow since 1985; he served on SEG Council and several committees between 2003-2006, and has been an Associate Editor for Economic Geology from 1997 to 2001, and 2012 to the present. He co-edited two volumes in the Reviews in Economic Geology Series (volumes 10 and 14), and the Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume. He is currently chief editor of SEG Special Publication 16, which will be based on talks given at the SEG Conference in Çeşme, Turkey, in September 2016.

The Calgary Mineral Exploration Group Society offers monthly lunchtime seminars relating to geology and mining in the province of Alberta, across Canada and around the world.
Lunch prices:
$20.00 for members
$10.00 for students (with student ID)
$25.00 for non-members

Lecture Room 205, Kerby Centre, 1133 – 7th Ave SW, Calgary, AB

Doors Open at 11:30am Talk Commences at 12:00 noon

Please confirm your intention to attend by email to luncheons@megcalgary.com so that the appropriate number of meals can be ordered.

If you would like to present a lunch time talk to a keen audience of 40 or 50 professionals, please contact Glen Jones at: events@megcalgary.com or telephone 403-651-3086 to submit your topic and abstract for review. If you or your company would like to sponsor a meeting please contact Glen Jones for further information.