May 8, 2014 Luncheon

Ramada Calgary Downtown, 708 8 Ave SW, Calgary, AB

Main Ballroom, Convention Level


Jennifer Pell, Chief Geoscientist, Peregrine Diamonds Ltd.

The southern half of Baffin Island was targeted for greenfields diamond exploration in 2005. The area was selected for exploration because, although the regional geology was poorly known, at least a portion of the region was thought to be underlain by Archean-aged basement and the area was considered to be relatively under-explored. Reconnaissance glacial till samples collected during the summer of 2005 produced kimberlite indicator minerals in what is now known as the Chidliak project area (“Chidliak”), situated on the Hall Peninsula of southern Baffin Island. The first kimberlite was discovered in 2008; a total of 70 kimberlites have been identified on the Hall Peninsula since that time, 47 of which have been tested for diamonds and all but three of these contain diamonds. At least nine of the kimberlites are considered potentially economic and work is ongoing to define the tonnage, diamond content and value of these bodies.

The most advanced kimberlite is CH-6. In 2012, based on the existing geological model, it was estimated that CH-6 hosts 5.7 million tonnes of kimberlite to a depth of 375 metres below surface. In 2013, a bulk sample weighing 404.2 dry tonnes was collected from the CH-6 kimberlite which returned a grade of 2.58 carats per tonne for diamonds larger than the 1.18 mm sieve size. An independent diamond valuation on a 1013.5 carat parcel was completed in February 2014 in Antwerp, Belgium by WWW International Diamond Consultants. The average price was US $213 per carat. Peregrine expects to declare the first resource for CH-6 in the second quarter of 2014 and announce tonnage estimates for two other kimberlites, CH-7 and 44 which have had sufficient diamond testing to be ready for bulk sampling by large diameter reverse circulation drilling in 2015.

The primary objective of the 2014 program will be to advance three to five kimberlites showing economic potential to the bulk sample stage and to commence logistical preparations for the 2015 bulk sampling program. Exploration to identify additional kimberlites with economic potential will also continue. The objective of the 2015 bulk sampling program will be to confirm sufficient diamond resources to enable commencement of economic studies for the first diamond mine on Baffin Island.

Presenter’s Biography:

Dr. Pell has a B.Sc. Honours in Geology from the University of Ottawa and a Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Calgary and has over 20 years experience in kimberlite research and diamond exploration. Dr. Pell held various positions in government, private industry and universities, including completing post-doctoral research on kimberlites and related rocks at the University of British Columbia. She was employed by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development in Yellowknife, NWT, from 1992 to 1997 as a district geologist in charge of monitoring developments in exploration for diamond deposits in the Slave province and Arctic Islands and doing research on these deposits, where she was responsible for one kimberlite discovery on Somerset Island. From 1997 until 2002, she ran diamond exploration projects in Brazil, Tanzania and West Africa where she was responsible for the discovery of a number of diamondiferous kimberlites, one of which warranted bulk sampling. Prior to its merger with Peregrine, Dr. Pell was employed as Vice President, Exploration for Dunsmuir Ventures Ltd., who explored for diamonds in Manitoba, NWT and Nunavut.

The Calgary Mineral Exploration Group Society offers monthly lunchtime seminars relating to geology and mining in the province of Alberta, across Canada and around the world.

MEG Calgary Monthly Luncheons – usually held the first Thursday every month, but not this time
PRICES $20 Members
$25 Non-Members
LOCATION Ramada Hotel Downtown
Convention Level
708 – 8th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
TIME May 8, 2014 Doors Open at 11:30AM
Talk Commences at 12:00PM


Please confirm your intention to attend by email to so that the appropriate number of sandwiches can be ordered.

If you would like to present a lunch time talk to a keen audience of 50 or 60 professionals, please contact Glen Jones at or telephone: 403-202-8683; Mobile: 403-651-3086 to submit your topic and abstract for review. If you or your company would like to sponsor a meeting please contact Glen Jones for further information.