Ms. Julia Lane with ATAC Resources will present a luncheon talk titled “Characteristics of Carlin-Type and Other Carbonate Replacement Style Gold Mineralized Zones of the Rackla Gold Project in East-Central Yukon” at the Kerby Centre downtown Calgary (1133 – 7th Ave. SW). Please e-mail: to confirm attendance.
The Rackla Gold Project encompasses over 1,800 km2 in east central Yukon and is 100% owned by ATAC Resources Ltd., with exploration programs conceived and conducted by Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited.
The 185 km long property covers Neoproterozoic to Mississippian marine clastic, carbonate and volcanic rocks deposited along the fault-controlled paleo-continental margin. ATAC made a grassroots discovery of carbonate-replacement style gold mineralization in the western part of the property (the Rau Trend) in 2008, based on research that targeted gold pathfinder element stream sediment anomalies in a structural and stratigraphic setting which bears remarkable similarity to northeast Nevada.
Gold mineralization in the Rau Trend is most well understood at the Tiger Deposit where ~27,000 m of diamond drilling completed between 2008-2015. This drilling outlined a mineral resource comprising 5,680,000 tonnes grading 2.66 g/t gold. Strata-bound, replacement style oxide and sulphide gold mineralization at the Tiger Deposit occurs in an area of small-scale folding and shearing proximal to a steeply dipping fault. The mineralized system is defined by a series of stacked and folded limestone horizons intercalated with locally extensive mafic flows and volcaniclastic units and it is interpreted that gold bearing fluids were sourced from the Paleocene aged Rackla Pluton located approximately 3 km to the east.
A PEA on the Tiger Deposit released in July 2016 focused primarily on the extraction of oxide resources and showed that the Tiger Deposit is potentially economic with a total of 302,307 oz gold recovered and a post-tax IRR of 28.2% and NPV (@ 5%) of $75.7M.
The primary focus of exploration on the property shifted in late 2010, 100 km to the east along the continental margin corridor to an area referred to as the Nadaleen Trend. Since 2010, more than fifteen areas of significant Carlin-type gold mineralization have subsequently been outlined by surface sampling and over 79,000 m of diamond drilling.
Exploration in the 35 km long Nadaleen Trend is most concentrated at the 10 km2 Osiris and 18 km2 Anubis Clusters, both of which are defined on surface by their strong pathfinder (As, Sb, Hg and Tl) and gold soil geochemical response. The Osiris Cluster, which is the most extensively drill tested area, hosts the Osiris, Conrad, Ibis and Sunrise zones. The more recently discovered Anubis Cluster hosts the Anubis and Orion zones in addition to seven other untested gold targets.
Gold mineralization in the Osiris and Anubis Clusters occurs within many lithologies but is best developed within silty limestone sequences where alteration is characterized by decalcification, silicification and occasional solution collapse breccias that are accompanied by peripheral secondary calcite flooding. Mineralization within non-calcareous rocks is typically associated with fault breccias and/or intense fracture development. Apart from primary fluid conduits such as fault and shear zones, features controlling gold distribution in calcareous rocks are primarily stylolitic dissolution structures and fold hinge zones. Significant late stage realgar, orpiment, fluorite and trace stibnite are found as associated open space fillings.
Julia Lane, B.Sc., P.Geo. – Bio:
Ms. Lane has worked in mineral exploration, predominately in the Yukon, since 2006 and been involved in advancing ATAC’s flagship Rackla Gold Project since 2009. Ms. Lane was appointed Vice President of Exploration for ATAC in 2015 and has been a partner in Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited since 2012. Ms. Lane is responsible for conceiving and directing all of ATAC’s exploration programs and has managed programs consisting of over 130 people and up to 6 diamond drill rigs during her tenure with ATAC.
Since 2011, Ms. Lane has spoken at various conferences in Canada and the United States discussing ATAC’s discoveries of Carlin-type gold mineralization at the Rackla Gold Project and the characteristics which define it. Ms. Lane attended the University of British Columbia and received a Bachelor of Science degree in geology and is a Professional Geologist registered in British Columbia.
Please confirm your intention to attend by email to so that the appropriate number of lunches can be ordered. The talk will be held in Lecture Room 205 in the Kerby Centre. Doors open at 11:30am and the talk will start at Noon. Prices: $10 student, $20 member, $25 non-member.
If you would like to present a lunch time talk to a keen audience of 50 or 60 professionals, please contact Glen Jones at: or telephone 403-651-3086 to submit your topic and abstract for review. If you or your company would like to sponsor a meeting, please contact Glen Jones for further information.
Contact Information Calgary Mineral Exploration Group Society PO Box 1027 Calgary, AB, T2P 2K4